Service to Scientific Community
Sadhana, Springer Nature (2021 - Present).
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier (2021 - Present).
Smart Materials and Structures, IOP (2021 - Present).
OpenFOAM Journal (2021 - Present).
Sadhana, Springer (2021 - Present).
Shock and Vibrations, Hindawi (2020 - Present).
Communications in Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, Elsevier (2019 - Present).
Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier (2019 - Present).
Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers - Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engg. Sciences, SAGE (2019 - Present).
Physics of Fluids, AIP (2018 - Present).
Journal of Fluids and Structures, Elsevier (2018 - Present).
AIAA Journal, AIAA Inc (2018 - Present).
Fluid Dynamics Research, IOP (2018 - Present).
Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME (2018 - Present).
Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer - Nature (2018 - Present).
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Elsevier ( 2018 - Present).
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME (2018 - Present).
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SAGE (2018 - Present).
Proceedings of Institute of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, SAGE (2018 - Present).
Conference Reviewer:
AIAA SciTech 2022, USA, Virtual Conference.
ASME IMECE 2021, USA, Virtual Conference.
Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - NoDyCon 2021, Sapienza University of Rome, Virtual Conference.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power 2020, IIT Guwahati, India, Virtual Conference.
JupyterCon 2020, Virtual Conference.
AIAA SciTech 2020, USA, Virtual Conference.
ASME IMECE 2020, USA, Virtual Conference.
SciPy 2020 (Top Reviewer Status), SciPy 2019, SciPy 2018 (Top Reviewer Status), Texas, USA.
Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power 2018, IIT Bombay, India.
Student Member:
Indian National Academy of Engineering: 2021-2025.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics: 2017, 2018, 2019.
American Physical Society: 2018, 2019.
American Society of Mecanical Engineers: 2018, 2019.
Society of Civil Engineers, Jadavpur University (Life Member).